Lake Tanganyika Facts

Lake Tanganyika is an ancient lake older than one million years and the largest rift valley lake in Africa holding 16% of the world's available freshwater.  Although fish from the lake are popular in the Aquarium hobby, most fish caught are used by the local population as a source of protein for the 100 million people living in the greater basin.  The lake's water is alkaline with a PH of around 8.3 - 9 depending on the depth. Surface temperatures average about 26 - 27 degrees. The Lake holds 250 species of Cichlid fish with many fish still being discovered. The most popular species in the aquarium hobby include Cyphotilapia, Altolamprologus, Cyprichromis, Erermodus, Julidochromis, Lamprologus, Tropheus, and Xenotilapia.

  I received dead fish, what do I do?

All shipments must be claimed DOA (Dead on arrival) within 2 hours from pick up time showed as on airwaybill tracking number provided. I prefer you to open the box(es) at the airport to check and send pictures or videos to me as soon as possible.

 I'm looking for a fish but you don't have it in stock. How can you help me?

Contact us anytime if you are looking for anything we can arrange the collection for you. 

 How to quarantine/acclimate my fish when I receive it (step by step )

Pre-Introduction Guidance

Correctly introducing new fish to your aquarium is important not only for the health of the new fish but for your existing fish as well. Here are a few tips we recommend to make the transition for new fish as stress-free as possible.

Use a quarantine tank. A  quarantine tank is a vital piece of equipment that should be used by all aquarists. In addition, quarantine tanks allow new fish to get adjusted to a new type of water and food. And, when not in use for acclimating new fish, quarantine tanks double as hospice aquariums for dosing or isolating sick fish. Provide plenty of hiding places for your new arrival.  Rocks, plants, and other sheltering areas will reduce aggression and thus stress in the aquarium.

Maintain good water conditions through proper maintenance to ensure a healthy environment during this stressful period. The PH should be high at least 7.8 with temperatures similar to the Lake.

Try to add more than one fish at a time to an established aquarium. The chance of one particular individual being singled out and harassed will be minimized.

Always feed your aquarium before any new fish are introduced. This will help to reduce aggression toward new tankmates.

Rearrange decorations in the aquarium before the introduction to distract existing fish and remove established territories. This will help the new fish by putting it on equal ground as new territories are developed by all tankmates.​

Acclimation: Floating Method

Turn off aquarium lights. Dim the lights in the room where the shipping box will be opened. Never open the box in bright light - severe stress or trauma may result from sudden exposure to bright light.

Float the sealed bag in the aquarium for 15 minutes. Never open the shipping bag at this time. This step allows the water in the shipping bag to adjust slowly to the temperature in the aquarium while maintaining a high level of dissolved oxygen.

After floating the sealed shipping bag for 15 minutes, cut open the bag just under the rubber band and roll the top edge of the bag down one inch to create an air pocket within the lip of the bag. This will enable the bag to float on the surface of the water 

Add 1/2 cup of aquarium water to the shipping bag and repeat this process every four minutes until the shipping bag is full.

Lift the shipping bag from the aquarium and discard half the water from the bag.

Float the shipping bag in the aquarium again and proceed to add 1/2 cup of aquarium water to the shipping bag every four minutes until the bag is full.

Use a net to catch the aquatic life from the shipping bag and release it into the aquarium.

Remove the shipping bag from the aquarium and discard the water. Never release shipping water directly into the aquarium

By following these tips and adhering to the other pre-introduction guidance, your new and existing tank mates will have the best possible opportunity for a smooth transition with minimal stress

How do I know the fish you sell is wild-caught?

The measurements, colors, patterns, build, and temperaments of our wild-caught cichlids distinguish from fish that are bred in fisheries.

Wild-caught cichlids are physically distinguishable from cichlids bred in fisheries. The most distinguishable physical features are noticeable in the measurements and patterns of the fish. Farm-bred cichlids often have very bright colors in their scales due to artificial aspects of their development, whereas wild-caught tend to be darker. While measurements vary between each fish, farm-bred tend to be stockier and fatter. Wild-caught cichlids are longer, thinner, and smaller because the environment they develop in requires higher activity levels to find food sources. It is important to note that this has a direct effect on their temperament.  Wild-caught cichlids will be more energetic due to their active lifestyles where farm-bred are often slow-moving and complacent.